The movement that is Healing Justice promotes the sentiment that resilience can overpower trauma. That’s over simplified, but clear.
On a seesaw, if you put more weight on one end, the other end will lift up. When we put more resilience attributes on one end, the impacts of trauma will lift up.
Dr. Kenneth R. Ginsburg, human development expert, agrees and identifies seven ways of showing up that demonstrate resilience in action. We endorse his sentiment in our own language below, and we uplift that support in all these areas is essential to wellness for youth and adults:
1. Competence – is a mindset that emerges after we grow trust in ourselves, once we witness ourselves handle stressful situations effectively. It centers on our own ability to face challenges, and our earned outcomes for dealing with complex situations.
2. Confidence – is the tree that sprouts from competence, after that tree is tall and stable. The tree is nurtured until belief in one’s own abilities is firmly rooted and full of branches, leaves and glory.
3. Connection – the belief that one has close ties to others. The others can be mentors, friends, family, community members, or a mix of several of these. A sense of belonging is critical to resilience and must be nurtured on purpose with understanding and priority.
4. Character – is a set of values that produce self-worth. When humans live up to their own ideals they thrive, and when they disappoint their own ethics they suffer. Empowered youth and adults recognize their ability to make choices that move them closer to their values.
5. Contribution – is the impact one has on humanity. Those who see themselves as contributing to social betterment appreciate themselves differently than someone without this knowing. The art of creating is a human need that must be nurtured with intention to fully bloom.
6. Coping –is a set of skills for managing social interactions and emotional regulation. Somatic skills help us increase emotional intelligence, stress reduction capacity and overall life satisfaction. The set of skills is learnable by most, but it is consistent practice within a safe community that builds capacity for healthy coping.
7. Control – is full command of healthy boundary setting. We must first hone the ability to identify matters outside our control. Then we must navigate those matters inside our control from a place of power, accountability, and graceful open-hardheartedness. Practice within a safe community is the only way to gain mastery over expression and exertion of our boundaries.
These definitions are uplifted by growURpotential and the clinical care we provide. If you want support building your resilience we can support you, sign up for a consultation today.
Content on this website is provided for education and information purposes only and is not intended to replace or substitute direction from a health professional.