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Healing Circle House Rules

Healing on purpose is a journey that is supported by group participation. The CARE Team at invites you to explore these boundaries and to speak with a Case Manager about any aspect of these expectations that is not understood, before you join a Healing Circle, Skills Group, or Process Group.

  1. Emotional Privilege

    • Share from compassionate vulnerability at your own pace. Afford that same privilege to others with mindful intention to avoid judgment.

    • Listen without interrupting to allow everyone the space to share without criticism.

    • Use respectful language and expressed pronouns at all times.

    • If emotions become overwhelming, take a moment for yourself or ask any facilitator [in direct message via Zoom chat] for support. We will host space and time for you, in a private Zoom after the meeting is concluded, when that need is expressed.

  2. Confidentiality

    • What is shared in the circle stays in the circle. Respect the privacy of others and refrain from sharing personal stories outside of the group.

  3. No Cross-Talk

    • Speak from your own experience using “I” statements (e.g., “I feel,” “I experienced”).

    • Avoid giving advice, making assumptions, or speaking for others.

  4. Active Listening

    • Be present and fully engaged during the circle. Avoid distractions like phones or unrelated activities.

  5. Timeliness

    • We start on time to honor the group’s schedule and ensure everyone has equal participation. We equally end on time for these same reasons.

    • Exit quietly if you need to leave early.

    • Expect entry to be denied if you arrive move than 15 minutes into the meeting.

  6. Participation

    • We honor challenge by choice and we require on-camera participation, while uplifting that none need to speak or come off mute. Please join Zoom with Video on and Audio off. Unmute when you want to share.

Healing Circle boundaries: we do require registration and accountable participation. Any approved participant in these spaces have met with a case manager and does have access to that case manager via email to book individual time for support of enrollment or to explore boundaries described on this page.

Skill and Process Group boundaries: we only admit participants who have embraced the Somatic Therapy Program into these spaces. Participants have earned the privilege to drop in as they wish for nourishment and facilitated opportunities for self enrichment. These include writing workgroups, guided ceremonial practices, and game night gatherings. For more information email

At growURpotential, we trust that many providers understand the value of testing new approaches to healing. We invite you to invest 7 minutes in this video by Vierge Therapy X Wellness: What is Brainspotting Therapy

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