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ART Has Impact on Mental Health Awareness

We advocate for more dialogue in BIPOC LGBTQIA2S+ Community about mental health. When we step into brave conversations we save lives, we inspire change, we shine light into the dark spaces that silence our needs.

An artist who uplifts this sentiment include trans activist Ahya Simone, her official video for Frostbite is a conversation about isolation and the longing for belonging. The song's lyrics and video make exceptional conversation starters.

Activist Aubree Calvin delivers a reflection of our reality in her expose A Brief History Of Black Queer Representation in Cinema. This article alone is a four-week curriculum for expanded conversation in community spaces. uplifts mental health in community by celebrating short films related and hosting dialogues that get students connected to expressing feelings about emotional needs. Here are our picks for conversation starters in community spaces:

Visualizing Lies is a visual poem attacking the difficult topics of depression, anxiety, and overall mental health. Justin Michael Jeffers & Devonnie A. Black help break mental health stigma and uplift the experience beneath a ‘high functioning’ exterior.

Mind Matters displays the silent struggle many experience during depressive episodes. Our black male community is suffering in silence. Help give the topic air to breath. Solute directors Seyi Akinlade and Josef Adamu for being storytellers that inspire change.

The Conversation That Never Happened ~ 从未发生过的对话 uplifts Asian American struggle with depression and suicidal ideation. Immigrant filmmaker Gordon Yao believes visual storytelling to be the most effective way of bridging barriers of communication.

Healing Justice is a movement. The more we invite conversations the more we expand awareness, motivate investments, and move the mission forward. We collaborate freely with any organization that wants to uplift awareness in their community, email for more information.


At growURpotential, we trust that many providers understand the value of testing new approaches to healing. We invite you to invest 7 minutes in this video by Vierge Therapy X Wellness: What is Brainspotting Therapy


If you are in crisis or in need of immediate support, please call:

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)


640 S San Vicente Boulevard

Los Angeles, CA 90048


(213) 726-7500



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2024 by MST

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