1st Year Applicants
We invite therapists with a BBS Registration Number AND students working toward a degree in clinical care, to learn CLINICAL CASE MANAGEMENT FOR TRAUMA INTEGRATION.
This 12-month program will produce trauma-informed therapists who are competent in attachment-based somatic-oriented care, with confidence they can meet BIPOC and marginalized clients where they are.
Clinical students in this program will become eligible for EMDR training upon completion. The application process is fully explained HERE
2nd Year Applicants
We invite Therapists with a BBS or APA Registration Number who have earned one-year work experience toward their license exam to learn private practice management skills while they deepen culturally-informed care delivery.
This 12-month program requires 10 client service hours per week. Applicants will confirm their capacity to meet program boundaries in a letter of interest fully explained HERE.
Psychological Assistants
We invite graduate students and mental health professionals recognized by the APA Model Act for State Licensure of Psychologists to join us!
We require a commitment to five hours per week, for a full semester. Modest stipends are awarded.
Doctoral Recipients have opportunities for paid clinical roles. Our boundaries are fully explained HERE
Our Clinical Training Program
Has 4 Entry Points:
1st YEAR
BSW, Doula, & PEER Advocate
Field Placement
We invite California students in a Bachelor of Social Work program, Doula training program, or Mental Health Peer Advocate programs to join us!
We require a commitment of ten hours per week, for a full semester. Modest stipends are awarded.
Email Meisha@growURpotential.org to inquire.