Humans that are THRIVING ON PURPOSE look happy and fulfilled.
Humans that have walled-off hearts are VISIBLY SUFFERING and most of the world is ignoring them.
Suicide among BlackMEN is at an all-time high. While black women suffer in equal, if not greater propositions, we believe LA County has a clear need for restorative resources for BlackMEN.
Our #blackMENtalhealthcommunity is hosted by The BlackMEN that lead GROWURPOTENTIAL.org, a nonprofit mental health agency with remote programs and teleTHERAPY by restorative justice oriented allies. We understand how relationships cause trauma and heal trauma, and we support #blackMENtalhealthcommunity in ways that elevate social and emotional confidence.
We invite BlackMEN to trust that change deserves support and to lean into BlackMEN to motivate change on purpose.
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